Previous Events

Our first Christmas dinner & dance at
Forest Hills Golf Club was a massive success.
Thank you to everyone who came along and enjoyed the fun with us.
Fingers crossed next year will be even more spectacular!
( Is that even possible?)

Forest of Dean Dog Rescue
would like to thank everyone who joined us for our
Christmas Market.
The snow made things extra Christmassy and we had an amazing turn out of both stall holders and supporters.
What a fabulous day and sorry to everyone who couldn't get to it due to the weather - that was beyond our control.

Forest of Dean Dog Rescue
hosted our ever popular
Chocolate Bingo
Forest Hills Golf Club
On November 9th 2022
It was lovely to see so many of you come
and support the rescue
(and gain lots of chocolate too!)
Photos will follow in due course.
Forest of Dean Dog Rescue hosted our very first HOWL-O-WEEN Dog Show on Oct 29th!
There were many dogs and so many fabulous costumes. Roll on next year!

Please enjoy some of the photos from the night.

We were very excited to have hosted our very first Harvest Festival.
So many lovely people and businesses donated items and we are incredibly grateful.
Here are some of the wonderful items that were available.

We were thrilled to be invited to
Speech House Vintage Show
on September 11 2022
We apologise that it took so long to get the
photos up for this event due to
technical difficulties.
We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone that attended, donated and continued to support the dogs and the team, it is so very much appreciated. Look forward to seeing you all at our next event.

So many of you joined us for a fabulous evening at Elton Maze on Saturday 3rd September.
With Chase from Paw Patrol!
It was a super fun packed evening to entertain the children and bring along your dog.
There were prizes for children and dogs at the middle of the maze and plenty of food available with all proceeds going to the rescue.
Thank you to everyone who came along and made this event such fun.
Here are a few photos from the evening. Permission to put children’s photos up was given.

We held our Psychic Night with Rita Gerl on August 20th 2022
Thank you to everyone for attending.
It looks like a good time was had by all.

Forest of Dean Dog Rescue hosted PAWS, a doggy family fun day.
Group breeds dog show, fun dog show, children's activities,
stall holders, BBQ and parking.
Thank you to everyone that attended.
Here are some of the photos from the event.

Here are a selection of photos from Angels 17th Birthday Party.